21 มีนาคม 2553

Christmas Day

ใบความรู้ที่ 1
จุดประสงค์ : อ่านเรื่อง Christmas Day แล้วเขียนเรื่องย่อได้
เวลา : 25 นาที
ข้อปฏิบัติ :
1. แต่ละกลุ่มค้นหาความหมายของศัพท์จากพจนานุกรม
2. สมาชิกในกลุ่มช่วยกันแปลเนื้อเรื่องให้ได้ความ แล้วทำแบบฝึกหัดในใบงาน

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is the most famous and best – loved holiday in America and many other parts of the world. It’s celebrated a little differently in every country, but the main reason for celebrating it is the same everywhere.

On December 25th 2002 years ago. Jesus Christ, The Son of God, was born in the town of God, was born in the town of Bethlehem. Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her husband Joseph were travelling, and they stopped for the night at an inn. There was no room at the inn, so they slept in the stable.

That night in the stable, the baby Jesus was born. After his birth, a strange and wonderful thing happened. A very bright star appeared in the sky. Three wise men from far away followed the light from this star and came to the stable where Jesus Christ lay.

They brought many presents with them, for they knew that Jesus had been sent from God to be their leader. Many shepherds came from the field around Bethlehem to see the new baby, and they, too, knew that Jesus was a special baby sent from God.
Jesus grew up to be a very kind, gentle, and wise man who spent his life telling people about God’s love, and teaching them how to lead a good life.

After his death, a new religion grew up which followed his teaching and was named after him; Christianity.


husband inn
grew up

ใบงานที่ 1.1
ชื่อ ……………………………………….…..เลขที่………..…ห้อง……………..……
เรื่อง Christmas Day

แบบฝึกหัดที่ 1


1. best-loved =

2. presents =
3. differently =

4. shepherds =
5. reason =

6. grew up =
7. husband
8. kind =
9. inn =

10. gentle =
11. stable =

12. wise =
13. wonderful =

14. spent =
15.eared =

16.lead =
17.lowed =

18. religion =

แบบฝึกหัดที่ 2


ใบงานที่ 1.2
ชื่อ ……………………………………….…..เลขที่………..…ห้อง……………..……

เรื่อง Christmas Day

แบบฝึกหัดที่ 3

1. The ……………… love Christmas Day.
2. Christmas Day is a ……………………. for many people.
3. People ………………………. happily on this day.
4. Christmas Day is always on ……………………………
5. It was the day that Jesus Christ was ………………………
6. Jesus Christ’s mother was ………………………….
7. Joseph and Mary were ……………………. and wife.
8. Jesus Christ was born in the ………………………
9. There were …………………… strange and wonderful things happened.
10. The wise men brought ………………. to the new baby.

แบบฝึกหัดที่ 4

จงเขียน T หน้าข้อความที่ถูก เขียน F หน้าข้อความที่ผิด

…….. 1. People celebrate Christmas Day in America only.
…….. 2. Christmas Day is very famous in America.
…….. 3. Christmas Day is on December 24th every year.
…….. 4. In fact, Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
…….. 5. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.
…….. 6. A bright star guided the 3 wise men to the new baby.
…….. 7. Only shepherds came to see the new baby.
…….. 8. Jesus Christ was kind, wise and gentle.
…….. 9. A new religion grew up before Jesus Christ died.
……..10. Christmas believed in God.

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