21 กันยายน 2553

แนวข้อสอบปลายภาค ภาคเรียนที่ 1 ปีการศึกษา 2553 วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ

แนวข้อสอบปลายภาค  ภาคเรียนที่ 1      วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
1.         Paul  :  Would you mind if I open the window ?
           Lisa   :  …………………….  .
            a.         Yes ,it’s too warm in here .       b.          No, please do .
            c.         Yes, please.                             d.         I don’t think so.
2.         A  :  ………………………. .
          B  : Yes, I saw him downtown last  week .
            a.         Where is Tommy ?                   b. Have you seen Tommy lately ?
            c.         Are Tommy late again ?           d.  Where did Tommy live ?
3.         A  :  How long will your sister be staying with you ?
          B  : …………………………… .
            a.         Just a week or so.                    b. Two hundred miles.
            c.         She drove herself.                    d. She will stay with her son .
4.         A  :  I heard you caught a cold ………………… .
          B  :  I’m better now. At least I am out of bed.
            a.         How are you doing today ?                  b. What is it ?
            c.         Where have you been ?                      d. Where are you going ?
5.                  A  :  Hello, I’d like to speak with Jane, please.
B  : …………… she is on another line just now. Would you hold on
for a minute ?
a.         Excuse me.                               b.  I’m sorry.
c.         Here you are .                          d.  Let me think it over.

